Sunday, February 5, 2017

Best Advice

The best advice I have ever receieved was when my parents told me that I should go into a good path in life  and not into a bad one. What they meant by that was to not do drugs and get invooved in gangs and all that. They wanted me to stay in school and do my homework so I can get a career when I grow up and get all this money the right way, not the bad way. They meant that they cared about me and wanted me to succeed in life. At first, I was like, well whatever I'll see what will happen later on. But now, I actually have had it in my head to remind me that I do want to make my parents happy and I don't want to fail them, when they always look after me and do all these sacrifices for me to have food, shelter, and water. What I mean is that they work hard for my brothers and I, so we could grow up healthy and with a loving family. So, I feel like it's my turn to make them happy and by that, all I could do right now is bringing home good grades and doing good at school. I also, here and there, tell them what I want to do with my life when I grow up and they believe in me, that I could do it. I would want myself to be someone about business and money and they are really proud of me. This is also why they are my major persons in life why I want myself to succeed so I can make them really happy and give them what they once gave me. The love, the support, and the hope within the family. This is why I actually want to take this advice and take it with me until I succeed and get a career and a family. To be happy is the key to life and that's what I want and what my parents want for me. I have this advice really explicitly within me whenever something is hard for me but I know I shouldn't give up.

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