Sunday, February 12, 2017

Best Superbowl Commercial

The Superbowl Commercial that was most impactful was the one from 84 Lumber where it is a commercial about immigration. I picked this one because in the commercial there is a woman and what seems to be her daughter, trying to get to the other side of the border, which is the U.S. They are trying to come to the U.S. to get a better life an support their family because in their home countries like Mexico, the economy is poor and weak, where as in the U.S. there are far more opportunities for people to succeed due to the better economy and beter jobs for a decent pay. I felt like this commecial wanted to get across is that even if they build the wall between the border of the U.S. and Mexico, people can always be welcomed here and nothing can stop people that are going through hard times in their countries and just want to come here for a better life. As in the commecial, this woman and her daughter are walking and walking through the desert until they reach the border and the wall, but these construction workers work hard to make a door through the wall so people can enter the U.S. and succeed. These constitution workers build a giant door or opening because they want to help these poor people that are coming here for a better life, get a chance to be able to overcome the obstacles and succeed here, in the U.S. This commercial, in my opinion, was really amazing because even though whats happening now, they want us to think about how instead of all this racism and hate in our country, we should all be united and be happy together in the U.S., where this country gives us the opportunities to succeed and have hope and freedom. People or immigrants, just come here looking for a better life for their families and themselves to be able to have jobs, in order for them to feed their families and overcome the obstacles they faced in their countries. Overall, I really liked this commercial, it emphasized a great idea, that no matter what, people are always welcomed in the U.S.

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