Friday, February 24, 2017

If I Could Any Famous Person It Would Be...

If I could meet any famous person, it would be Chalino Sanchez. He is a Mexican singer that sang corridos, which is a certain type of music in Mexico. Corridos are usually talkin about someone in real life or something that happened in real life. Although, he passed away in 1992, I would've liked to meet him even though I wasn't even born at those times, so I wish they wouldn't of killed him. He never got to go on to his fascinating career to be even better of an artist that he already was. He gained so much fame because of the songs he made. He just made songs because that's what he loved to do. A lot of people back then, even now, still appreciate him and the songs he made. He inspired a lot of Hispanics to be proud of our culture. He was actually known as "El Rey Del Corrido" which means "King of the Corrido". But, some narcos killed him, just because he inspired hispanics and gained a lot of fame with his songs.

We would spend time together and I would ask him so much questions. I would ask him types of questions about how it inspired him to pass a message through these songs he did. We would go on his pick-up truck, that is well-designed and ride for awhile. We would also ride horses together at a ranch and enjoy Mexico. I would ask him about when he knew that singing was what he wanted in life and teach me how to sing one of his songs. This person is worth meeting because I love his songs and he is my favorite Mexican singer of corridos. He is from past times but I love corridos back then, than now. Back then, songs were way better than the corridos right now. Today's music is nothing compared to the past ones. Chalino Sanchez is also worth meeting because any mexican would love to meet him, he was just a very humbled man, that wasn't a show-off and was a respectful artist too.

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