Sunday, February 19, 2017


A time I had to persevere is when I was playing soccer and in one of my games, I was running down the field with the ball, ready to score a goal but then this other player on the other team trips me and fell hard. I couldn't get up, my leg hurt so bad that I couldn't stand up and play. I thought I would be injurd and be out for a few games. But I still needed to play and make that penalty so my team could win. After awhile, as it hurt really bad, I got up and got ready for my penalty. I had mixed feelings in that moment. I was nervous, at the same time still hurt. So, I then shot, praying to god the goalie wouldn't block it and made the goal and my team was happy and so was I. Either way, I was still confident in myself I would make the goal, I'm not saying I'm the best, but I know I'm good at one of the sports I love. This story relates to Nick because we both have self-confidence. He was confident that he could do anything possible even in his adversity. He knew that he could still be alike like all people and he always keeps a smile, because he simply doesn't let himself down, even though he has no arms nor legs. I also have self confidence in everything that I need to prove or maybe not even prove that I know I can do something. I always try my hardest in things, from school to the sports I love playing. We both try our hardest and think we can do it because we know within ourselves, we'll make it because nobody will think you're somebody, if you don't think so yourself.

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