Monday, February 27, 2017

A Moment In Life I Regret

I regret when I didn't do anything to help out my family and was a always getting in trouble in elementary school. I didn't care about school and did whatever I wanted. When my parents come here to America to find a better life for our whole family. They came here and work hard so I can be able to get a well-payed career when I grew up, but before that, they wanted me to not grow up poor like they did. They came here for a reason, so I can have a better life and better opportunities. At the end of the year in 5th grade, I got all these C's and D's. They were dissappointed because I wasn't like this, I used to try in school and get good grades when I was below 5th grade. But then 5th grade came around, I stopped trying just because I was lazy and was stubborn that there was too much homework. When the school was just preparing me for middle school. My parents were so upset at me and gave me a whole lecture about why they work hard and why they came here to America, so I can do my hardest at school and become someone when I'm older.

That's when I realized I had failed them and disappointed them. I felt that I needed to get myself back together and try my hardest in school, so I can move forward and make my family happy. My parents always told me that school goes frist in life, besides being healthy, when trying to accomplish something. So, I thought about it, and until this day, I haven't failed my parents. I have gotten good grades and been making my parents happy throughout middle school. Yes, I might get in trouble here in there, but I complete my homework, and study to get good grades when taking assessments. I feel happy about myself and that my parents are proud of me. Now, I comprehend why my parents make such an effort to make me and my brothers do good in school, and go to college to get a career.

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