Sunday, January 29, 2017

My Brother vs. Me

The worst argument I have ever gotten into was with my brother. We usually always get into fights for whatever reason and end up actually fighting each other or tell on my parents to get payback or something. My brother and I love each other so much because we've always been there for each other  no matter what but we also get into fights. Simply, we both, at the same time, hate and love each other. We have our ups and downs, one second we are like best friends, but then in a flash, we are enemies and get mad at each other. We always get into arguments for the tyniest things possible but don't go too far because either I stop caring what he did or he tells on me and my parents tell us to stop. But, one day, it came to the point where my brother was so mad at me because of something I did to him that when I was lying down in bed, watching tv he punched me, won't get into much detail but, because I stole his $150 from his birthday party. Well, supposedly, because we always pull pranks on each other. So I told him I got myself a fresh pair of Jordan's, when I didn't. I just hid the bill under his shirts, in the drawer. He usually never makes the pranks I do to him a big deal, but this time, he took it too serious. Finally, after all this explaining, the punch to my stomach hurt so much, that he took the air out of me and hurt for like straight 10 minutes. I told my parents about what happened and got mad at us. They made us sit at the table in the dining room to lecture us on why we should love each other and never have hate for each other because we were made to be brothers and we have our backs. He also told us that pranks aren't funny and made us stop. We felt so mortified after our parents gave us our lecture and learned that pranks aren't funny. We are supposed to have love for each other and look out for one another and not fight. We are family and family can have ups and downs, but at the end of the day, I know, and my brother knows, no one will ever understand our bond and how we got our backs no matter what!

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