Wednesday, December 21, 2016


My New Year's resolution or my intention for 2017 is to stop talking back to my parents and think to reflect on what will come out of my mouth before I speak. I always have the gut to talk back to my parents all the time when they get mad at me when I know I did something wrong. To stop me from getting mad even though I did the wrong things when my parents get mad at me I will reflect first before I speak and not think what I say. Anything that comes out of my mouth can hurt my parents when I talk back to them because they are my parents and I got to have respect for my parents because they are the only ones that really got me in life. Nobody got my back and love me like my parents do and I am very happy and appreciate them for having them in my life. Without them I wouldn't know what to do. They want me to always go through the right path in life and be perseverent because they want me to succeed and have a better future for myself. They want me to get good grades in school so I can have a well-paid carreer and make a lot of money. This is why I want to change and make myself a new me in 2017. I will stop talking back to my parents whenever they are mad at me because I did something wrong that they want me to never do that mistake so I can move on and succeed and be very meticulous on my actions and my words next year. Overall, I want them to be proud of me, happy that I respect them, and that they know I love them so much. It's going to be a new year, so there will be a new me.

1 comment:

  1. What a thoughtful and important post! Thank you for sharing and taking the time to truly reflect!
