Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Best Christmas Gift!

The best Christmas gift I have ever gotten was a hand-made scarf. You might find it funny and think 'why a scarf'? Well because that scarf means a lot to me. I recall that I got it when I was about 10 years old. The scarf means a lot to me and is the best gift I could ever ask for because the scarf is from my grandma that isn't with me right now because she passed away but I will always remeber the smile she put on me when giving me the scarf. She always wanted me to be safe and in good health. I would go outside in the freezing cold with just a thin sweater and wouldn't care if I got sick. So, she used to tell me to put on a big coat, gloves, and a scarf. She always cared about me so, when Christmas came around, I saw a gifts under the Christmas tree that didn't say who it was from but I ripped the wrapper and saw that it was a nice red scarf. I couldn't identify who it was from. However, I inferred it was probably from my grandma because she always told me to be very sheltered in clothing when I would go outside in the cold. Which I was right, later that Christmas Day, I told my grandma if the scarf was from her. She said yes and I felt my heart warming up and felt happy inside. I was so delighted to know that she cares about me, including my parents too.  She even said that she sewed it and made it. This is why the scarf was my favorite Christmas gift because it means a lot to me. Especially because she actually made it and not bought it. To this day, I still have it and wear it whenever its really cold on the winter. It keeps me really warm and delighted.

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