Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Peace or Violence?

     Have you ever wondered what cause violence and why is there so much violence in Chicago? Did you also know that there has been more than 600 homicides in 2016? There is about 10 shootings a day according to Chicago Tribune. 2016 is the year that there has been more homicides in throughout ten years.

     Many African Americans, and even hispanics that live in the Chicago area go through high unemployment and poverty, which can cause them to get involved with drugs, crime, and gang activity. The people that go through poverty in Chicago tend to get involved in bad positions because they also live in bad neighborhoods. In a site called Chicago Tribune, it says, "It appears that in fact, poverty itself is more tied with violence, criminal damage and also drug use - as a catalyst for violence in bad neighborhoods." This demonstrates how in bad neighborhoods like in some Chicago areas, people are likely to get involved in bad positions and can cause more violence because of high unemployment and poverty.

     Violence also has to do with high unemployment. High unemployment causes violence because it is the first matter that people go into poverty. High unemployment is reason why violence is caused because people don't have jobs and can't be able to maintain themselves. According to a site called National Dialogue Network it says, "Starting from the 1970s, studies in the US pointed more and more at the link between unemployment, poverty and crime. Studies have proven that high unemployment can actually cause violence because people need a job in order to make a living and be in good positions with a well-paid job." This illustrates how when can't find a job to work at because of high unemployment, people will likely go through poverty and can suffer depression and sadness, so they go into bad positions and go into violence. It is just all due to high unemployment and poverty because people will have sad feelings and emotions and have to be involved in gangs, drug, and crime activity so they can make some money because the government isn't helping them get a job.

     In a site, called Chicago Tribune, it says how violence it Chicago has gone up throughout the years and what is causing the violence. It stated that, "Yet there are deeper societal problems at play as well, including long histories of poverty, joblessness, segregation and neglect in these crime-ridden neighborhoods." This demonstrates how violence has many factors on how it can cause it. Poverty is a big factor why there is a lot of violence in Chicago. People tend to be in bad positions because they can't find a way out of poverty.

     Education can also cause violence because when people are younger, they start to see new things and understand what life is all about and what can happen at any time. The decisions you make when you're younger can affect you in the future when you're grown up. In a site called Poverties, it says, "On average, the more time you spend at school the less violent you will become. Schools don’t just teach you about history or maths, they teach you how to live in society. It all due to time spent in school." This illustrates how lack of education or not having education at all can cause violence. It can cause violence because in school, they are going for a reason, to learn about everything and be educated. In school, they not only teach the subjects in school, but they also teach children how live is and how it can be hard. So, when children aren't going to school, they have a more chance to get involved in bad positions. Not going to school and not having a well-paid career, can cause poverty, which leads to violence.

     In conclusion, there are many things why violence in Chicago is a big problem. There is high unemployment, poverty, and lack of education in Chicago. According to Rahm Emmanuel, the mayor of Chicago, says, “In Chicago, you have whole swaths of the city that have basically been abandoned. There are no jobs, there’s no future, and that’s where the violence has been occurring." This makes everything clear and can sum up everything in Chicago on why there is so much violence in Chicago. Everybody should help on improving the society in Chicago. Maybe put charities and fundraisers to raise money and help the ones in need that are going through poverty, lack of education, or high unemployment and can't find a job. Also, put some programs to encourage those that live in Chicago that are living in violence by telling them there is always a way to look for a better future and be in a good position. Overall, the society in Chicago is really messed up and has too much violence. Maybe one day, the society of Chicago will shape up if the government helps out an the people express their emotions and feelings.

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