Saturday, November 19, 2016

What I'm gr8ful for

There are many things why I am grateful for. One reason for what I'm thankful for, is my family, especially my parents. They keep my head up when I go through hard times, they feed me, have a roof where I can live at, and take care of me and want me to succeed. I'm thankful for my parents that always look out for me and want me to go into a good path in life. Also, my sister and my two brothers each got each other's back and we never stop loving each other, even though we might get into fights and arguments. I may have days where I'm mad at my siblings or parents and I say don't want want them in my life, but who else would care for me besides them? No one. That is why I am thankful, we might have ups and downs, but at the end of the day, we all love each other and been there for each other through thick and thin. Another reason why I'm thankful for is going to school.  Not many kids get the chance to afford to go to school because they go through poverty. That's why I don't argue going to school, because many kids want and wish to go to school, and I can actually afford it and go to school to get education. Also, District 100, which is our district, gives us Ipads to do our work and learn. I could tell you, every single day I go to school, I oearn something new and a new life experience. I work hard in school to have good grades for my future. What I do right now, depends on my future. A third reason why I am thankful for is having food and a roof to live on everyday which goes back to my parents, because without them I wouldn't have these things. They work hard to feed us and keep a roof above our heads. They buy us anything we want, sometimes it's difficult for them to buy what we want but I understand when they can't. A last and fourth reason why I'm thankful for is having health. Sometimes I think about it and I am like, many people aren't really in good health conditions and have some sort of sickness. I am just happy that I have health and thank god for being healthy. All in all, that's what's thanksgiving all about, to be greatful for the things you have around you.

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