Saturday, November 5, 2016

Best Day Ever!

The best day ever for me was when I went to Mexico for the first time in my life! This happened 2 years ago and I haven't went since then, but I would want to go again. The second day was actually my favorite in Mexico from my summer vacation 2 years ago because I never went there and I never saw my family over there. I always heard my parents say that Mexico is way different from here. They say in Mexico, you live in farms, go out to crop, ride horses, and take care of their animals in their own houses. The second day, it was sunny and hot, and I explored everything in Mexico. I could hear, see, and sense that Mexico is really different. It is really different from city life. It took nearly 4 hours to get there and when my brothers and I landed in an airport in Mexico, my uncld and his family were awaiting for me and my brothers. I knew how he looked from pictures I saw when my dad would show me. My brothers and I were really nervous because it was really difficult in my part to talk to my family that I never met before.

We usually got there at night when we got to the airport, which was the first day, and my uncle drove us to his house. The roads were reall bumpy, filled with rocks when we entered the city, or what they call it in Mexico, a village/pueblo. When we got to his house, we ate dinner and then went to sleep. The next day, which was the best day of my life, we learned how to feed the animals such as the cows, chickens, roosters, and horses. We got to ride horses, I was the one to ride the horse my dad owned. We met all of our family members from my mom's side and dad's side, especially our grandparents and grandmothers. We also, which I found funny and joyous, got to actually own a dog and a bunny that my cousins gave me because we never owned a pet here, in the United States. Furthermore, the second day of Mexico was the best day of my life because I got to learn and see how people around the world live with different lifestyles and cultures. I never thought Mexico would be so fun, I was always free in the wild and nobody, neither the police to tell you something you can't do. I would go ride horses all day long, woke up early to feed the animals, and help work with my grandpas with their crops. I just had a different lifestyle over there and experienced the awesome cultures Mexico has and met my other part of my family.

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